The estate of William McElcheran
What Clothing Means in My Sculpture
Clothing in my sculpture is symbolic of more subtle kinds of psychological packaging with which we assert and defend ourselves. The overcoat, the outward manner, the pose, the profession, the front, the outward signs of what the person within wants to be known as. It would be simplistic to consider the images which people project of themselves as mere false fronts intended to deceive others. Often the only person deceived by the false front is the person wearing it.
Who among us doesn’t need a few rags to cover his nakedness?
All communication between people requires the use of symbols. The deepest most genuinely felt emotions, the most clearly seen inner visions cannot be communicated from one person to another without some form of symbolism being used. It is the relationship between reality and symbol which fascinates me. The fact that the symbol may or may not tell the truth about the person using it makes it all the more interesting. Clothing is symbolic as well as functional.